- Step #1: Design your decals using any graphic software program. (Use 8 1/2 " x 11" sheet INK JET Decal Paper or cut sheet into half if desired.)
- Step #2: Set your printer as follows:
- Resolution = Best
- Paper = Photo Gloss
- (Print your decal on the glossy side of INK JET Decal Paper.)
Step #3: Spray your printed sheet evenly with Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear High Gloss spray until the sheet has a shine (2-3 coats). Allow 30 to 60 minutes to dry and set.
(This product is available at any craft or hardware store such as Loews, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Walmart, etc. Any acrylic clear coat spray will work.)
Step #4: Cut out your image using a standard pair of sharp household scissors.
Step #5: Place decal into a cup of clean water for 45-60 seconds and remove when the thin decal film begins to slip along backing. (Discard backing material after the decal has been removed)
Step #6: Apply decal to clean surface; ceramic, glass, metal, plastic, soap, candles, mylar balloons, model trains, planes, cars, etc.
Copyright © 2001 www.Water-Decals.Com
10913 N.W. 30th Street Suite 103, Miami, Fl 33172 TEL: (305) 593-0911 FAX: (305) 593-1011